Safe Concertgoing at Young Euro Classic

Current as of: July 23, 2021

The safety of visitors, artists and staff takes top priority at Young Euro Classic 2021. In order to protect yourself and others and enjoy concert evenings at Young Euro Classic that are as carefree and safe as they can be, we ask you to note the following.

For access to our concerts, you will need the following

  • Your printed ticket
  • A printed, personalized, negative antigen test (PoC) or PCR test which must not be older than 24 hours
  • Or Proof of vaccination that shows that you have been fully vaccinated for at least 14 days
  • If you had coronavirus within the past six months and your infection was at least 28 days ago, we will accept a doctor’s certificate to this effect
  • Valid picture ID
  • Inside the Konzerthaus, you are obliged to wear an FFP2 facemask without a valve
Open Air Broadcasts
  • Your printed ticket
  • Valid picture ID
  • A surgical mask

In order to minimize delays and waiting during entrance, we kindly ask you to present your ticket and your negative test result as printouts.

Contact Tracing

Should the need arise, we are obliged to document all those present.

This works via an app, i.e. you use one of the usual apps when you arrive at Konzerthaus, or analogously, by filling out the “Konzerthaus Contact Form”.

Whether Luca app, Corona-Warn-App or pen and paper: we urgently ask for your active collaboration before you get to the Konzerthaus, to install the apps on your smartphone or to print the contact form yourself. This will avoid groups forming and delays during admissions. If you hand us the pre-filled form, you do not have to register digitally.

Purchasers of several concert tickets are requested to have contact details for all their guests, in case the health authorities request contact details.

Distancing and hygiene rules

  • The Konzerthaus will open 60 minutes before the concert.
  • There are additional entrances and exits. Please use the correct entrance as marked on your ticket, and note the guidance on pathways to your seat.
  • Please keep a distance of 1.5 metres to other guests and note the corresponding floor markings.
  • Inside the Konzerthaus, you are obliged to wear an FFP2 facemask without a valve.
  • A doctor’s certificate does not exempt you from the obligation to wear a facemask. Face visors are not accepted as the equivalent of an FFP2 facemask.
  • Only children up to the age of 6 are exempt from the obligation to wear a facemask. Children up to the age of 15 may wear a surgical mask.
  • As soon as you have taken your seat in the auditorium, you may remove your mask.
  • In order to speed up admissions, the cloakrooms will be closed. Please avoid bulky luggage and large bags.
  • There will be no refreshments or gastronomy before the concerts.
  • Disinfectant will be available throughout the Konzerthaus; contact surfaces will be cleaned regularly.

Since the pandemic situation is continuously changing, these protective measures will be updated on a regular basis and reflect the current state of official regulations. All this enables you to enjoy a safe concert experience.

Test Stations

Are you planning to arrive including a stop at a testing station? Or have you forgotten your test and are looking for testing stations near the performance venue? We have tips for you.

Children up to the age of 6 are not required to present a negative test result.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

We look forward to your visit!

Your Young Euro Classic Team