In her homeland of Great Britain, Hannah Kendall has long made a name for herself as a creative and versatile composer. In August 2017, her orchestral piece The Spark Catchers had its world premiere at London’s Royal Albert Hall during the BBC Proms; it was followed in 2018 by Verdala for the London Sinfonietta, conducted by George Benjamin. She also wrote the chamber opera The Knife of Dawn in 2016, which deals with the incarceration of the Caribbean political activist and poet Martin Carter. A special focus of the 36-year-old composer, who graduated from the Royal College of Music in London with distinction, is artistic exchange with other art forms: thus, she worked with the poet Rick Porter on several choral works and songs, for example. Together with choreographer Symeon Kyriakopoulos, Kendall crated the dance piece Labyrinthine. This season, she composes not only a new work for EUYO, but is also pursuing several projects with the Minnesota Orchestra, the London Sinfonietta and the TAK Ensemble in New York.